After a week of (im)patient waiting I could open the plastic bags with the pounded fabric. This is what they look like. I used different textile paints (Trapsuutjies, Setacolor opaque and Probrite) diluted with water. Because paints were used instead of dyes the hand of the fabric changed a little bit. Each piece of fabric is the size of a fq.
As this is my 100 posting I am giving one of these fabrics away. All you have to do to make a chance of winning one of them is to leave a comment behind the coming week. Next Sunday I will pick a name.
They turned out really well Wil all of your projects are looking good. You should post what you're doing in your blog more often.
Post in the DyeHard forum I mean, lol.
They look great, wonderful texture.
I echo Susan as the texture is wonderful. have you tried using just setacolor paint and scrunching them up as in sunprinting.
Very beautiful texture and colour. Congratulations.
Your fabric is gorgeous!!
Beautiful! Can we maybe start some of those when you get here? How long did you leave them in the baggies?
LOL! don't know why my comment is in here twice! Honest!! (OK, so does that mean I get TWO chances at the give away fabric??? huh??? huh????
Beautiful as always. Do you ever have anything that doesn't turn out that way LOL Can't wait to see what you do next.
Wil, You did a great job. Judi
This stimulates to give a comment. I like the fabrics very much,I think you did the same in the ccrr, I liked that too. Hope to try that myself when tempertures are better. marijke
They look great Wil! I see Kelly is trying to get two chances of
Love the pounded fabric. This is different from what I've seen before. I thought it was going to be pounded flowers, and was pleasantly surprised. Thanks so much for showing these fabrics. Diane
Would love to win one. I have never heard of this technique before.
wow those are gorgeous! What a gifted lady you are.
They look terrific Wil.
turned out pretty nice, well done
Well who can resist a giveaway, especially of something as nice as that!
Beautiful fabric. Great Job. I sure hope I win this!
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