The Challenge Quilts group had a theme: the last book you read. Well, it was not the last one, but I read the book not so long ago :-). My choice fell on the book Lady in Blue by Javier Sierra. The story is about a nun in the 17th century who lives in Spain but was also seen in New Mexico. This travel was done by way of bilocation: according to some religions a body can be present in two different places at the same time. I did not want to copy this theme exactly, but I was more interested in the title itself. Background was made of a twice icedyed piece of fabric. The shape of the women was made from a shibori piece of fabric. On purpose I made the lady in a kind of ancient goddess shape. As the story tells that she is in two places at the same time, she is twice on the quilt. Size of this quilt is 20"x20".
For quilting design I decided on an idea of a circuit board, all rectangulars and circles. To me this represents the way the mind works. Here is a detail picture:

I do like that!!!........Luv AJ
What a great interpretation of a book. I love the ice-dyed fabric background, as well as the shibori. They work really well together.
mooie vrouwe vorm heb je gemaakt, alhoewel ik begrijp dat het om een non gaat? Maar ja als je in twee werelden kan leven, kan je er ook wat frivoler uit zien.
Heel mooi, de "Lady in blue" Prachtig ook de achtergrond.De stukken zo over elkaar gelegd en verwerkt. Erg goed!
I love your lady in blue. I think your interpretation on the title is excellent!
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