Mail art was unknown to me till I received an email from
Lenna Andrews. It sounded like fun so I decided to join this swap. If you want to, there is still room for more participants :-)
With this type of art you can work on existing envelopes, but I decided to make my own. For this I used - bought - hand made paper for the outside and a page from my newspaper for the inside. I had opened an envelope and traced the outlines on the paper. With Bondaweb I fused these together.

Next step was to fold the (thick) paper and I used a gluestick to close the sides. Making envelopes is very easy I discovered and I am tempted to do this more often. Think for instance Christmas cards :-)

I had typed Lenna's address in a Word file, using different fonts in different sizes and colors. Printed these out and cut the adress in an irregular shape. This I fused on to the envelop.
Now the fun begins: stamping. I used some bubble wrap, a kitchin thingie, insulation tube and also some bought stamps. The paints were different colors Lumiere. This is how the front of the envelope looks like:

And this is the back:

Now I only have to add my address on it and they can go into the mail.