Sunday, May 19, 2013

Alphabet is finished

In 2009 I started working  finally it is finished. Okay, I admit the blocks were finished by the end of 2009 and till a couple of weeks ago they were waiting (im)patiently in a box. Size of this quilt is 32"x45". Every letter is made with a technique or material which starts with that letter. Here are they:
A = Angelina
B = buttons
C = cellophane zapped
D = discharge
E = eyelets
F = foil
G = grungeboard painted
H = heatable foam painted
I = indigo
J = jewellery
K = knotted resist
L = lutrador zapped
M = metal with alcohol inks
N = netting used as template
O = over/under (rubber bands under fabric, paint rolled over the fabric)
P = punchinella used as template
Q = quilted
R = rusted
S = sealed in sizoflor
T = tyvek zapped and painted
U = utee
V = velvet embossed
W = wax resist
X = cross stitch
Y = yarn
Z = zapped organza
Working on these blocks was fun. Some of them were more easy to do than others. I am glad that I have finished another one of my oldies :-).

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Very neat, indeed. How did you decide on such an unconventional lay-out?