Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Start is finished

A bit of a strange title for this post :-), but what I wanted to say is that the quiltlet with the theme Start is completed. Here is a picture of it. In reality the knitting is a bit more turquoise than the picture shows. From the needles the yarn goes over the quilt and ends in a little ball hanging under the quilt. It is not a masterpiece, but I had fun making it and that counts too.
Okay, that is one commitment down, now there are only 7 or so more to be done.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see you made it home safely!
I Love seeing what you and Kelly did with our 'rust fabric outing'. Do you think those guys back there are still laughing at the funny ladies?

Roni in Tampa

Judi said...

Another wonderful piece!! I love it where do your ideas come from?

Wil said...

They probably still are Roni :-)), but who cares we got gorgeous fabric.

mia said...

Hartstikke leuk, combinatie zwart/wit en turkoois is heel leuk geworden ook het idee erachter.