Today I have more pictures of shibori but first I will answer Judi's question. In a comment she asked where I got the ideas for my quilts. That depends what I want to do. Sometimes I let my mind wonder and follow the leads it gives me. Sometimes it might be an item that I see and my mind makes a click and I have found an idea.
If I am working with a theme, I often use Google as an inspiration source. Type in the word and look at the images you get. Other times I let my mind wonder around the word of the theme. And follow the route my mind takes. For instance I am at the moment working on a quilt with the theme 'Music'.
This is a very broad theme, so out of the many types of music you have, I picked children's songs. Google lead me to a site which had an alphabetical list of children's songs. Out of these I picked 2 songs which sounded attractive to me. In Dutch the titles are: 'Alle eendjes zwemmen in het water' en 'Witte zwanen, zwarte zwanen'. I don't know whether these songs are known in English as well, but Iif I translate them the titles are something like: 'All the ducks are swimming in the water' and 'White swans, black swans'.
The next step was looking at pictures of ducks and swans (again using Google). This lead me to a picture of Escher
Moebius of birds. Seeing this picture I knew I had found the idea for my music quilt. These tessellations of birds in combination with the sheet music of White swans, black swans are the two elements I will be using.
Okay, it is now time for some more shibori pictures:

For above picture I folded the fabric lengthwise in 2, than I folded it again roughly at 1/3. I wrapped the fabric diagonally across a pole.

This fabric was wrapped around a 4" pole and wrinkled diagonally. Rubber bands were tied at the beginning and the end of the piece. Because of the dark edges at the right side and the top you can see that part of the fabric was open to the full exposure of the dyebath.

On this blue fabric I had used masking tape before I wrapped it diagonally around a 2" pole using cotton cord to keep it in it's place. After this I pushed the fabric down. You can see that part of the fabric was overlapping because there are 2 squares in each other at the left where the dye had more difficulty penetrating.

This green fabric was wrapped diagonally around a 2" pole. When I pushed it down, I gave it a twist.

This is an unusual piece of fabric. It was made in two sessions. The first layer was done while using inactive procion dyes on a not presoaked fabric using a foambrush. I used yellow and red and the fabric really looked orange. This was left to dry.
The next day I wrapped the fabric diagonally around a 1,5" pole. After the 2nd dyebath the orange had disappeared and only this pale yellow remained.
It was the first time that I did this kind of underpainting and I have to experiment more to see whether other colors respond the same way if you don't use soda ash.