Friday, December 28, 2007
Australian show
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The last couple of days I have been working with white fabric only. The two pictures above are two small quiltlets - each 20cmx20cm (8"x8") - which I made for a show in Germany. The title of the show is 'How Amazing' and they requested to experiment with textile and non-textile materials with a focus on unusual techniques. For the quiltlet on the left I printed a photo of cracked ice on a transparency and added this to the fabric with eyelets. The fabric was first quilted. Additional beads and snowflake charms are added. On the quiltlet on the right I used heated lutrador, hid a cardboard circle under it and quilted it. The show in Germany opens in spring and there are plans for various venues. Both quiltlets are for sale, euro 45,-- each.
These pictures shows even smaller quiltlets, each is 15cmx15cm (6"x6"). I made these for a swap Lenna Andrews is organising. The swap is called 'Shades of White Quilties' and I used all kind of white stuff for it: cotton balls, beads, gauze, paper, decorative yarn, shells, sheers and punchinella.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
effect of sunlight
The pictures you see here are both from the same quilt. The one at the left was taken when the quilt was only a few months old. The picture at the left I took this morning, two years later. This quilt was hanging at a wall facing south/southwest next to a window and it got a lot of sunlight. One fabric was already beginning to loose color very soon as you can see on the picture at the left. Now more fabrics have begun to change and also some of the thread I used are fading. A lesson to learn. If you cherish a quilt, make certain that it does not hang in a place where it catches the sunlight.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
ice dyeing and painted fabric
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Quilten speciaal quilt
These are pictures of the final assessment quilt for the Quilten Speciaal Course. The picture at the right is a detail of the quilt. The quilting of the ammonite is finished. It is looking better than without the quilting, but I am still not very happy with it. I have been trying to find a word which describes it the best, and I think that boring comes close to it. The idea was to work with structure(s) and that I think is accomplished. The green/blue holes in the ammonite are made from sheers which have been heatgunned (is that a verb?). Quilting on the ammonite has been done with a blueish thread.
Next session of the course is on February 8. I will finish this quilt before that day anyway and take it with me but I will also bring another one. For that I have dyed the fabric with a mixture of two blacks and rollerpainted pewter lumiere over it. Will heatset it tomorrow and work on it the coming days.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
several quilts at the same time
For the Challengequiltgroup I did most of the background. Today I am putting the binding around it. After that only beeds have to be added and I cannot do that until they arrive.
For the c&g quilt I have designed the pattern for the quilting. On this quilt I will first do all the quilting and after that I will fuse applique the birds.
Than the 3rd quilt which is the final assessment for the Quilten Special course. I am making an ammonite for that. The sheers have been heated and placed on the background. So has the fabric layer on top of that. Now I am satinstitching all of this. But I am not completely happy with it. It is looking more dull than I had expected. Maybe I can improve on it with the quilting. If it does not, no harm is done because I have another idea in my mind. This quilt I intend to make anyway. Not sure now whether it will be as an assessment piece or not. The background fabric I dyed today and it is at the moment batching. With this quilt I want to use black mottled fabric, black and silver/white lutrador, Lumiere paint and quilting.
Of none of these I have pictures at the moment. They will come later.
Friday, November 30, 2007
new designs

Monday, November 26, 2007
this and that
I have been working on the design for my final assessment for the c&g course, but that is not yet finished so no picture yet. Instead of that design I can show you two pictures of what I worked on yesterday and today. The picture at the left is a journal quilt with the theme 'mask'. I used painted lutrador, sequins, flower, stick, fake hair on it and some quilting. The picture at the right shows 5 little boxes made with the pattern from the Winter 2005 issue of Quilting Arts. All the fabric I used for these boxes was handdyed and handpainted. Both the journal quilt as well as the little boxes are for my surfacing group.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
challenge quilt
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
black/white quilt and painted fabric
Today I finished a small quilt - about 15" square - of which I can only show a detail on this blog as I intend to send it to a Dutch Show. For this quilt I used a black gradation and decorative yarns. The show is in March so till this time I cannot show you the full picture.
The other 2 fabrics are handdyes on which I added Lumiere paints. I placed different type of coasters and bubblewrap under the fabric and rollerpainted the paint over it. On purpose I had not cleaned my foamroller in between so some of the copper/gold paint is also on the blue piece. These fabrics I dyed/painted for the second step of the challenge quilt we are doing on my surfacing group. The fabric is prepared so now I can start working on the quilt. Size is again 40" square and my inspiration source is the colors Marijke used in her sunsetquilt.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Fibers journal quilt + swap
On my surfacing group we had to make a theme based journal quilt last month. The theme was fibers. It took some time before I got inspiration but today I made the journal quilt. As fibers I used different colors of blue angelina and chrystalina. Placed this onto a handdyed blue fabric. As quilting pattern I used triangles because on top of the angelina are a number of felt triangles. It is always difficult to take a picture of angelina, but I think you get an idea of the quilt.
The picture on the right shows a chinese coin block. I made two of these for members of my dyeing group. The strips are made from - again - handdyed fabrics. It is a great way of using up scraps but I am glad that I finished them as actually I am not a 'block-person' :-)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
catching up
The left and center picture will go into the mail to Kelly tomorrow so that she can put an extra layer on the fabric. The picture on the right is a piece I did just for fun.
digitalis quilt
It was the first time that I made a triptych and one of the practical issues I stumbled upon is that with a piece like this you have to make a label for each panel. Just to be certain that when it is at a show that they hang it properly I mentioned on each label whether the panel should be at the left, center or right side. Most of the time I do not create my art with a specific show in the back of my mind, but I am thinking of sending this piece to coming year's Festival of Quilts.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
digitalis quilt
Monday, November 05, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
digitalis quilt
Today 2 detail photos of the digitalis quilt I am working on. As you can see the satinstitching is been done and I am now working of the quilting. This type of quilt does not want stippling but more decorative quilting so I decided to add flowers and plants to the quilt. Maybe some dragonflies, or birds will be added too. I guess that I can finish one part of the triptych tomorrow. When that is done I show it here.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
digitalis quilt
Today I had time to continue working on my digitalis quilt. I added the batting and the batting to the top. Then I picked up my rotary cutter and cut free hand style curved lines instead of the normal straight borders. Borders are attached and leaves are fused to the top. I had to do it in this order, because part of the leaves fall over the border as you can see on the picture. This was done on the first part of the triptych. Tomorrow I will satinstich all the leaves on this one and continue working on the other parts.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
scarf + Fabled Fibers
This is a silk scarf I got from Kathy ( which I dyed yesterday. I used ProChem's Ice Blue for it and because of the nature of the scarf some areas are lighter and others are darker. I am very pleased with the result.
This morning I received an email from Ann Flaherty. She is the organizer of the Fabled Fibers show in Houston where one of my quilts is hanging. Some of the quilts are chosen for coming year's calender and some are chosen for note cards. My Princess Moonbeam will be printed on note cards. So if you want to own one or want to see more of it, here is the link:
Friday, October 19, 2007
As promised here are some pictures of fabric I created last week. For the fabric shown above I used presist and a wrapping of cookies or chocolate. In total I used 3 layers of presist. After each layer of presist was dry I painted the fabric with procion dye in different blue/greenish colors.
This picture shows the result of 3 layers of cold wax. I started with a pink fabric on which I splattered cold wax and some brushstrokes. When the cold wax was dry, I painted the fabric with procion dye. This process was repeated 3 times.
For this fabric I placed rubber bands on the table. Positioned the fabric over them and applied thickened procion dyes using a foamroller.
More pictures will come later.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
this and that
One of the other students was SarahAnn Smith ( It was especially nice to meet Sarah as we both have a quilt in the Fabled Fibers challenge ( which can be seen in the Fall 2007 Quilt Festival in Houston.
I will post some pictures of recent dyed fabric tomorrow. I intended to do that today but I have to recharge the cells for the camera first.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Yesterday my friend Kelly and I played with a - for us - new type of printing technique. We used lightsensitive fabric on top of a piece of board, pinned a number of foamy fishes and milkbottle collars on it and placed the board into the sunshine. The fabric was light green before we started working on it and after half an hour it had turned into a olive kind of green. It did not look at all as the instruction manual said it should. After rinsing the fabric luckily it got the color it is supposed to have. The picture at the left shows how it looked before it was placed into the sunshine. The picture at the right shows the final result. Does it not look gorgeous? It is definately a technique/material which I will use more often in the future.
For any one who is interested in this technique, on you can read more about it. They are also the ones who sell this special type of fabric.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
this and that
Further I started to experiment a bit with needlefelting. I am a member of a journalquiltgroup. In this group we make a journal quilt every month. What I am felting at the moment I want to use for coming months journal quilt. But this sample is still in an early stage.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
black and white
Thursday, September 06, 2007
With my dyeing group we are doing a twin complex cloth round robin. That is we started with a similar fabric send to two different persons who each work on it without knowing what the other group is doing. The mail has brought me the 2 ccrr's which you see on these pictures. The top one started as a violet dyed piece of fabric. The 2nd participant used cold batix wax with a stamp on it and dyed the fabric lapis. The 3rd added stamped dragon flies. When I saw this fabric it was actually complete for me but I had to add something so I diluted silver textile paint with a lot of water and brushed this over the whole piece. It now has a light sparkle all over it.
This is the other fabric which started out as a pole shibori dyed fabric. The 2nd participant in this group added a sun to the fabric using a stencil. I decided to go along with this theme and found a bamboo stencil which I used twice on this piece using green fabric paint.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
digitalis quilt
For adding the leaves of the foxgloves I will be using another technique: fusible applique. I am not yet certain whether I will raw edge them or use the standard satinstitch. There will also be a number of fused applique flowers added.
Creatively speaking this was all I did last week. I have no girl to help me with the cleaning at the moment, so I had to do some - very necessary - housecleaning myself :-(.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Seattle Streets
Monday, August 20, 2007
Color play
Sunday, August 19, 2007
additive gradation
When you dye your own fabric, you can of course use the dyepowders as they are sold by the companies. Mixing dyepowders yourself is fun and gives sometimes surprising results. This picture shown fabric on which I used a combination of G&K nickel 603 and Dharma marigold 67. The nickel is gradated with 50% water with each f8 and 7,5 cc of marigold was added to each baggy. I had expected a much more greenish fabric but instead I got these lovely colors.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
landscape journal quilt
This is the journal quilt I made yesterday. On my surfacing group we had this month the theme landscape. I printed a picture on a transparency and sliced this into pieces. Three of these pieces I used for this quiltlet. The areas in between are painted with acrylic paint and seed beads are added. The transparency makes it difficult to get a clear picture of it, but I hope you can see it.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
binder covers
I like to make my binders more personal than simply use the ready bought type. For this reason I make a fabric cover and glue this to the binder. At the moment I am preparing 3 of these covers so that I can take them with me on my holiday. he technique I will be using on these is reverse applique. I have found some nice patterns on the internet which I enlarged to the size I want. I am now marking these on my fabric so that I only have to handstitch them when I am in the US.